We all know that the decisions we make in life have consequences for the people around us. But did you know that decisions made about our deaths can also have consequences for people all over the world, even generations born long after us?
It’s true, and a perfect example of this is whole-body donation.
Making the decision to become a whole-body donor after death doesn’t just affect you; it affects countless others in a positive way. Human tissue taken from whole-body donors is used by medical students to learn the ins and outs of surgery and by research scientists to develop newer, better methods of fighting disease.
By donating your body to science, you could be contributing to the healthcare of hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people. So, if you’re interested in whole body donation in Cape Coral, FL, please don’t hesitate to pledge yourself or register a loved one.
Contact United Tissue Network today, and we’ll get you started!
How to Donate Your Body to Science in Cape Coral, FL
United Tissue Network, or UTN, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to making it easy for anyone, regardless of age or health situation, to donate their body to science in Cape Coral, FL, and surrounding areas. Virtually anyone can do it. Here’s how.
Exploring Funeral Alternatives in Cape Coral, FL
You may not think that traditional funerals have any negative effects on the environment or future generations, but they do.
In addition to the greenhouse gasses produced by funeral processions, digging equipment, and headstone manufacturing, traditional funerals require embalming. This process requires the use of toxic chemicals that then get introduced into the soil after the burial.
Of course, traditional funerals also cost money. For many families, these expenses represent a significant financial hurdle.
By contrast, whole-body donation services are available from UTN at no cost to you or your loved ones. That’s part of the reason why whole-body donation has become increasingly popular among funeral alternatives in Cape Coral, FL. Let UTN take care of the stressful stuff so that your friends and family members can grieve in peace.
Does Donating Beat the Cost of Cremation in Cape Coral, FL?
As noted above, UTN is proud to offer whole-body donation services at no cost to you or your family. If you’re concerned about the rising cost of cremation in Cape Coral, FL, it’s worth noting the many benefits of donating your body to science.
One such benefit is complimentary cremation.
It’s true; upon program completion, UTN donor remains are always cremated at a licensed local crematorium. From there, your family can request to have the ashes returned in 4-6 weeks, or we can scatter them into the sea as part of our no-cost UTN Memorial Program.
Meanwhile, having a loved one’s remains cremated in a more traditional manner can cost your relatives as much as $2,500 on average in the state of Florida. Your family shouldn’t have to shoulder that burden. UTN is here to help.
Whole Body Donation in Cape Coral, FL is Easy with UTN
From avoiding the high cost of cremation in Cape Coral, FL to aiding in the advancement of medical science, there are many advantages of whole-body donation. There are also many misconceptions about whole-body donation.
For example, if you are registered as an organ donor in the state of Florida, you may assume you’re automatically registered for whole-body donation. This is not the case. If donating your body to science is important to you, don’t wait. Contact United Tissue Network today, and we’ll walk you through every step of the process.
We’re always here when you need us.
Ready to register a loved one?
Click the link below to get started: