“Brenda, completed her earthly assignment on October 1st,,2015. Our mother was a women who believed her place was in the home attending to the needs of her children and spouse, and she was perfectly content in this role. Born in1942 in New Bedford, MA and was the third of five children. She was very proud of the fact that she was the first child in her family to graduate earn a High School Diploma. Upon her completion of High School, she dedicated her life to being a mother and a wife. This was her purpose in life she thought. She was a woman born into humble beginnings but she quickly learned how rich her life could be. Her simple lifestyle was proof enough that her happiness was not derived from material possessions, but rather from the memories she’d made with those she truly loved. A proud native of New England she was her entire life, however in 1969 she found herself relocated on the exact opposite coast in which she was born. This new place was Sunny Southern California, and she’d soon call this new town of San Diego her home. Brenda spent the greater part of her life there, perfectly content.
Her favorite hobbies were playing bingo, the organ, and the accordion. She could often be found singing to the golden oldies. Brenda proceeds her 3 children, 5 grandchildren and two great grandchildren in death.” – Heidi D.
Heidi D.

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