UTN is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3)

Getting Started with Whole Body Donation

Making the decision to donate your body to science is a profound way to leave a lasting legacy. At United Tissue Network (UTN), we understand that this decision warrants care and consideration, and we’re here to support you in any way that we can. Whether you’re considering personally making a donation, honoring the wishes of a loved one, or exploring options for someone who is in the process of passing away, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Get Started.

First Steps

We ask that you begin the body donation process by filling out a form. Then, depending on your current needs, you’ll either receive a confirmation email with more information (future pledges) or instructions on how to contact one of our professional and caring team members who will walk you through the entire process for those who are imminent or just passed.

Take the First Step Toward Body Donation Today

We understand that every situation is unique, and we are here to help you navigate this important decision with compassion and dignity. Whether you’re considering a future pledge or need to register someone immediately, we encourage you to take the first step today.

How to Donate Your Body to Science in the Future

Congratulations on proactively deciding to leave a lasting legacy with a body donation. After you fill out your donation pledge form, we recommend speaking with your loved ones about your decision and what to expect from the process.

For Imminent and Recently Passed Donors

We understand that whether you are making the decision to donate your body to science yourself, or you’re assisting a loved one with the process, that you’re going through a tremendously overwhelming time right now. At UTN, one of our compassionate and professional team members will review your completed form with you as soon as it’s submitted. Simply fill out the form, and call the number that appears once it’s submitted.