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Cremation Services in Miami, FL: Cost, Benefits, and What to Expect

Cremation in Miami, FL, varies in cost depending on the funeral home or cremation services provider you choose. However, it is far less expensive than a traditional funeral with burial. According to the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA), the average cost of a funeral with a viewing, casket, and burial is about $8,300. Cost is […]

Whole Body Donation: A Meaningful Legacy for Rhode Island Families

In Rhode Island, the leading cause of death is heart disease, followed closely by cancer. Also in the top 10 are Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, respiratory disease, diabetes, and liver or kidney disease. Scientists and medical researchers have multiple projects underway to understand and prevent these diseases and develop new treatments. Whole body donation in Rhode […]

Whole Body Donation Near Me: Rhode Island Area Options

Donating your body to science is a unique and impactful way to support medical research and education. It’s a selfless act and provides medical professionals, researchers, and students with the resources needed to study anatomy, develop new medical procedures, and learn about disease progression. In Rhode Island, your decision to participate in whole body donation […]

Avoiding Hidden Fees: What to Watch Out for in Affordable Cremation Services in Las Vegas

When a loved one passes on, you have several important decisions to make during an emotional time. It can be easy to miss the details in the fine print when you’re searching for affordable cremation or free cremation services near you in Las Vegas. You might think you made a good decision in choosing a […]

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