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United Tissue

Science, Faith, and Legacy: A Floridian’s Guide to Body Donation

Each year, about 20,000 people donate their bodies to science, but the need is far greater. Body donation makes an important contribution to medical science. When you choose body donation, you are helping future doctors, scientists, and researchers learn about human anatomy, disease progression, and new surgical techniques. If you are considering body donation to […]

From Grief to Legacy: Donating Your Family Member’s Body to Science

The loss of a loved one can produce profound grief. It is an emotional time and leads many to consider the meaning of life itself and reflect on the contributions of their family member. Many families choose to honor their loved one and turn grief into a lasting legacy by choosing to contribute to medical […]

Can a Cancer Patient in Florida Donate Their Body to Science?

Let’s answer this question right away. Can a cancer patient donate their body to science? In most cases, the answer is yes. Moreover, a body donation to science is incredibly important. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and, along with heart disease, makes up nearly half of all deaths. […]

Why Donate Your Body to Science? Florida’s Contribution to Medical Progress

At any given time, hundreds of research trials are open in Florida for treating diseases including Alzheimer’s, cancer, and a wide range of afflictions from diabetes and aging to obesity. Medical research lays the foundation for the future, helping improve quality of life. Medical education helps train the next generation of doctors and researchers. Why […]

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