UTN is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3)

Whole Body Donation in Tampa: The Ultimate Guide to a Lasting Legacy

When a loved one passes away, it is often a time of reflection. Family members think about the impact the person had on their lives and the legacy they leave behind.

Legacies go beyond material wealth and cherished memories. Many people choose to donate to charities or help others after death as a way of creating a more enduring legacy, which is a noble act that can help others and enable family members to take comfort in knowing that something positive will come from death.

Whole body donation in Tampa, FL, is an option to further that legacy.

While most people know about organ donation, fewer are aware that whole body donation is another way to contribute to medical science. While organs are used for
life-saving transplants, donated bodies are utilized by medical students, researchers, and scientists to study human anatomy, understand disease progression, and test new drug treatments and medical devices.

How Many People Actually Donate Their Body to Science?

About 20,000 people donate their bodies to science each year. However, the need is far greater. There is a critical shortage of human tissue, which can hinder medical research and education.

How Are Donated Bodies Utilized?

When you make a whole body donation near you, a body donation program will coordinate the process, placing the body with a reputable research or educational facility. Depending on the current need, donated bodies are often utilized in a variety of ways, including:

  • Medical education: Students learn human anatomy.
  • Disease research: Bodies are used to study conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • Surgical training: Surgeons practice and refine new procedures and innovative surgical techniques.
  • Medical device testing: Donated bodies are used to test surgical robots and implants.
  • Orthopedic engineering: Researchers test implants on human tissue to ensure safety and acceptability.

When you make a whole body donation in Tampa, FL, your selfless act can affect countless lives in the future.

What Does Your Family Get if You Donate Your Body to Science?

With whole body donation, your family also gets several benefits. Most body donation programs offer free cremation services after research has been completed. This can save thousands of dollars in end-of-life costs. Traditional funeral and burial costs now exceed $8,000. The average cost for a cremation and memorial ceremony in Florida is about $4,000.

However, body donation programs approach costs differently. For example, if you want to donate directly to a medical school in Florida, you do so through the Anatomical Board of the State of Florida. You will be responsible for the cost of transportation to one of the Board’s intake centers.

On the other hand, the nonprofit United Tissue Network (UTN) will cover all of the costs of the body donation program, including managing the process, transporting the body to a reputable medical research or education facility, cremation at a licensed facility after research has ended, and return of the cremated remains to family members if desired.

Besides reducing the financial burden, whole body donation in Tampa, FL, can help with the grieving process. Knowing that their donation contributes to science can bring peace to the donors, and to their families during a time of mourning.

Will I Get Paid for Donating My Body?

This is a common question and the answer is “No.” Under the federal Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (UAGA) and Florida law, it is illegal to buy or sell bodies or body parts. This regulation was put in place to stop the exploitation of those who might be tempted to sell their bodies because of financial hardship, or unscrupulous operators who profit from the sale of bodies or body parts.

Body donation is considered an altruistic gift and these regulations help maintain dignity and respect for the deceased.

What Excludes You from Donating Your Body to Science?

Each body donation program has criteria for eligibility and exclusions, so it is important to understand the rules for each program.

Here are some of the common questions to ask to ensure you make the right decision.

Is There an Age Limit to Donate Your Body to Science in Tampa?

As long as a donor is 18 years of age and provides consent, there is generally no upper age limit. Scientists and researchers benefit from studying donated bodies of all ages to understand disease progression.

Do You Accept Alzheimer’s or Dementia Patients for Whole Body Donation?

Most programs do not place limitations on patients with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. However, you will want to check to be sure. Some institutions exclude certain donations depending on the type of research or study they are conducting at the moment.

What Are the Four Conditions Where a Body Is Not Accepted for Donation?

Generally, there are four conditions where bodies are not accepted. These include:

  1. Infectious diseases: To keep researchers and medical students safe, certain highly contagious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B or C, or tuberculosis are not accepted.
  2. Extensive trauma or decomposition: Bodies that have experienced severe trauma or significant decomposition may not be accepted, as these conditions can hinder the study of anatomy.
  3. Autopsies: If the body has already undergone a full autopsy, it may not be suitable for whole-body donation to science.
  4. Weight or body conditions: Extreme obesity or emaciation can sometimes make a body unsuitable for anatomical study.

Keep in mind, these are general rules, and programs may have different eligibility requirements. For example, some programs also exclude a category of diseases called prion diseases. These include afflictions such as:

  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
  • Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker Syndrome (GSS)
  • Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI)

These diseases are rare but can cause safety concerns for medical professionals.

Except for infectious diseases, United Tissue Network accepts most body types and those with heart disease, liver disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or dementia. As a nonprofit organization that serves the broader medical community, UTN also has a larger pool of reputable research and educational facilities to draw from. This helps ensure bodies can be placed with a program that has a current need. Specific facilities may not be able to accommodate body donations due to specific restrictions or research requirements.

Where Can I Donate My Body in Tampa, Florida?

Many medical schools in southern Florida accept body donations for scientific study; however, these are coordinated through the Anatomical Board of the State of Florida, which oversees body donation statewide.

There are also for-profit and nonprofit organizations that coordinate the process. Besides the Anatomical Board, United Tissue Network is the only nonprofit organization in Florida that coordinates whole body donations near you in Tampa. UTN is accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and upholds the highest level of ethics, treating donors and families with respect and dignity.

How Do I Donate My Entire Body in the Tampa Area?

The easiest way to donate your body in the Tampa–St. Petersburg area is to contact United Tissue Network. We have a team of compassionate Donor Coordinators who can answer your questions and guide you through the process.

When you are ready to move forward, you can follow a few key steps to pledge yourself or register a loved one as a body donor.

1. Educate Yourself on Whole Body Donations Near You

Hopefully, this guide has helped you with some of the questions you may have. You can also find additional information on the UTN website to help you understand the process better. You can always connect with a Donor Coordinator directly to ask any questions you may have. You can email any questions to donorinfo@unitedtissue.org or call 24/7 at (877) 738-6111.

2. Review Eligibility Requirements

While UTN accepts most body donations, there are a few conditions that might affect eligibility. Generally, they accept individuals of advanced age, but those with certain infectious diseases, like HIV or hepatitis, may not qualify. By understanding these guidelines, you can determine whether you meet the criteria before proceeding with your registration.

3. Complete the Online Registration

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, the next step is to register as a donor. UTN offers an online registration process, where you need to provide basic medical information. The registration form asks for details such as your age, medical history, and any relevant health information that could affect the donation process.

You can pledge yourself to become a whole body donor in Tampa, FL, or help a loved one register even if death is imminent.

4. Speak with a Donor Coordinator for Guidance

After completing your registration, a Donor Coordinator helps you complete the process. This step involves a personalized conversation where the coordinator will guide you through the remaining steps. They will answer any questions you have, explain the next stages of the donation process, and provide additional support to ensure everything is in order.

5. Get Confirmation of Your Body Donation

Once you are accepted into the program, you will receive a Donor Security Certificate that guarantees your place in UTN’s body donation program.

6. Communicate Your Decision to Your Family

One of the most important steps in the donation process is to discuss your decision with your family. It’s crucial to inform your loved ones about your intention to donate your body so they can honor your wishes when the time comes.

You may also want to include information about your intentions in your will, trust, or advanced medical directive.

What Happens to the Body After Death?

When you or a loved one passes away, family members should immediately contact United Tissue Network. There are important steps that must be taken quickly to protect the body from deterioration after death. UTN will coordinate with you, a hospital, hospice center, or funeral home to make the necessary arrangements.

The body will be transported to a reputable research or educational facility. UTN will handle the transportation and placement for you.

Depending on the research or field of study, it may take a few weeks, months, or even years to complete. When research has concluded, UTN will arrange for the body to be transported to a licensed crematorium where the body will be cremated. If donors let UTN know upfront, cremated remains can be returned to family members.

Will I Know Specifically How the Body Donation Is Used?

Unfortunately, no. Both donors and specific use cases are considered confidential for privacy reasons. In some cases, some facilities may provide a letter showing appreciation. Some facilities also hold annual events to honor donors.

When you donate, you can make your wishes known about how you would prefer the body to be utilized. However, there is no guarantee. Placement depends on the current research and needs at individual institutions.

Improving Quality of Life for Future Generations

Whole body donation in Tampa is truly a selfless act that can serve as an inspiration to others and help improve treatment options and quality of life for future generations.

Despite the evolution of 3D models and other testing devices, there is no substitute for human tissue and actual bodies when it comes to medical education and research. Past donations have led to significant breakthroughs in the treatment of heart disease, brain disorders, various forms of cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and more.

United Tissue Network has helped nearly 12,000 families make the important decision to donate their body to science. We are dedicated to advancing medical research while providing compassionate and ethical care to donors and families.

Our dedicated staff is available 24/7 to assist you every step of the way. Whether you have questions about the donation progress or need guidance, you can talk to one of our team members by calling (877) 738-6111.

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