UTN is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3)

Can You Donate Your Body to Science in RI?

You can donate your body to science in Rhode Island, and it can have a meaningful impact. Each year, more than 5,300 people die in Rhode Island. Nearly half of these deaths result from heart disease, cancer, or an accident. Donating your body to science in RI makes a significant contribution to reducing these numbers and improving the quality of life for future generations.

Past body donations have led to medical breakthroughs in the treatment of heart diseases, various forms of cancers, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and more.

Medical scientists and researchers study disease progression and test innovative therapies, drug treatments, and medical devices to improve the quality of care. First responders utilize donated bodies to understand life-threatening injuries or illnesses to help them make faster decisions in the real world. Medical students study human anatomy. Surgeons practice complex operations and life-saving techniques.

The impact is great.

So is the need.

There is a critical shortage of human tissue, so your donation can make a big difference.

The Benefits of Donating Your Body to Science in Rhode Island for Families

Families benefit from donating a body to science in Rhode Island in several ways. Many families take comfort in knowing that the passing of a loved one will help others. This can ease their grief and provide a sense of purpose even in death. Body donation can create a lasting legacy for your loved one.

There are also financial and environmental benefits.

Reducing End-of-Life Costs

When you work with a nonprofit organization like United Tissue Network (UTN), you can relieve much of the financial burden associated with end-of-life care. UTN pays 100% of the costs for transportation and preparation of the body, placement with a reputable medical research or educational facility, and cremation at a licensed facility after the research is complete.

Lessening the Environmental Impact

Body donation and cremation eliminate the need for embalming, which uses toxic chemicals and can be dangerous. Cremation also reduces land use for burial, a growing problem in Rhode Island, and also lowers the carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral practices. While cremation does use energy, it uses fewer resources than a funeral with a casket and burial.

Simplifying End-of-Life Planning

Pre-registering to donate your body to science in RI can streamline the decision process when a loved one passes. By providing clear direction for the final arrangements, you can reduce the burden on family members. UTN handles the logistics, freeing up your time during an emotional period. Families can focus on a memorial or celebration of life to honor their loved ones without having to worry about funeral arrangements or financial concerns.

How to Donate Your Body to Science in RI

Donating your body to science in Rhode Island is easy. On the United Tissue Network website, you can pledge to become a body donor or register a loved one. Simply fill out a brief online form and answer a few questions about medical history. You can then connect with a Donor Coordinator at UTN who will explain how the process works and finalize your application.


As long as the donor is 18 years or older, there is no upper limit on age. Most medical conditions are accepted, although those suffering from some communicable diseases are excluded for the safety of researchers. For example, individuals with HIV/AIDS or hepatitis would be ineligible.

Donor Security Certificate

Once accepted, you will receive a Donor Security Certificate, which guarantees your placement in the program. You can share this with your loved ones to make sure they know about your wishes.

When Death Occurs

When you or a loved one passes, United Tissue Network will coordinate the body donation process, including working with the hospital, hospice center, or funeral home to make the necessary arrangements. The donor body will be placed with a reputable medical research or educational facility that has been vetted for ethical use.

Research may take a few weeks, months, or even years. When research concludes, the body is transferred to a licensed facility for cremation. Remains can be returned to the family upon request.

Every Donated Body Is Treated with Respect and Dignity

When you choose United Tissue Network in RI for body donation, you can rest assured that donated bodies will be treated with respect and dignity. UTN is accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks and upholds the highest ethical principles.

If you are considering donating your body to science in RI and would like to talk to one of our Donor Coordinators, call United Tissue Network at (877) 738-6111. We are available 24/7 to take your call.

Ready to register a loved one?

Click the link below to get started:

Register someone who is passing/passed