When you’re mourning, it can be easy to overspend on funeral and cremation services. Unfortunately, there are some funeral homes and unscrupulous salespeople who take advantage of your grief. “Grieving people really are the ‘perfect customer’ to upsell,” Joshua Slocum told the New York Times when serving as Executive Director of the Funeral Consumers Alliance.
The Federal Trade Commission recently sent warning letters to some three dozen funeral homes across the country for violating the Funeral Rule, which requires transparent pricing and itemized price lists. Of the 250 locations they surveyed, more than 15% failed to follow laws for pricing disclosures. If there’s some good news here, it’s that the vast majority of funeral homes and cremation service providers were upfront about pricing.
Grief can cloud your judgment, so it’s important to have a plan when looking for affordable cremation services near you in Nevada.
Plan Without Overspending: Low-Cost Cremation Service Near You in Nevada
Here are some of the key things you should know when you are considering cremation and have concerns about costs.
Research and Compare Prices
Take the time to research multiple cremation providers in your area. In Nevada, funeral homes are required by law to provide a general price list upon request. Don’t hesitate to call several providers and ask for their price lists. This allows you to compare costs and services objectively.
Consider Direct Cremation
Direct cremation is typically the most affordable option. This service includes the basic cremation process without additional services like viewing or memorial ceremonies. You can always arrange a separate memorial service later, potentially saving thousands of dollars.
The average cost of a direct cremation in Nevada is about $1,400, although an online search will show you prices as low as about $900. Even with a direct cremation, however, you will want to make sure there aren’t any hidden charges.
FYI, this is compared to traditional cremation or full-service cremations with viewing ceremonies, which can range from $2,500 to $6,000 or more.
Be Wary of Packages
If you want additional services, a package price may be your best option. However, that’s not always the case. A package may include services you don’t need or want. Always ask for an itemized list of services included in a package and compare it to the a la carte pricing.
Understand What’s Legally Required
In Nevada, embalming is not legally required for cremation. Unless you’re planning a viewing, you can decline this service and save on costs. Similarly, a casket isn’t necessary for cremation—a simple cremation container is sufficient and much less expensive.
Paying for Cremation
If you are searching for “low-cost cremation services near me Nevada,” you may be interested in options for paying for the cremation costs. There is some support available, including:
- The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers a one-time death benefit of $255 for eligible family members.
- The Veterans Administration (VA) provides reimbursement for certain expenses for eligible veterans.
- The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may provide assistance in case of federal disaster declarations.
- Nevada counties offer financial assistance for indigent burials or cremations, although the amount and eligibility vary by location.
- There are also state programs if the death resulted from a criminal act.
Consider Donating Your Body to Science
If you are seeking an alternative to traditional cremation or burial services, which is cost-effective and beneficial to society, donating your body to science is a noble option to consider. In Nevada, United Tissue Network (UTN) is a non-profit organization that coordinates whole body donations for medical research, education, and training.
By choosing to donate your body through UTN, you can eliminate most end-of-life expenses. UTN pays 100% of the costs for transportation of the deceased, placement with a reputable research or educational facility, and cremation when research is complete. After cremation, remains can be returned to the family upon request or disposed of in a respectful manner.
Besides relieving the financial burden, families often take comfort in knowing that their loved one’s passing will benefit future generations. By choosing body donation, you are selecting affordable cremation services near you in Nevada and leaving a lasting legacy that contributes to medical advancement. This option allows you to help others even after death, potentially improving countless lives through the knowledge gained from your generous gift.
Find out more about body donation for medical science and how the program works in Nevada, or call (877) 738-6111 to talk to one of UTN’s Donor Coordinators.