When a loved one passes is an emotional and stressful time, and it is especially challenging for families that cannot afford a funeral and burial, or those wanting a simple and affordable—yet respectful—way to manage the bereavement process.
Cremation has become more common. In fact, the National Funeral Directors Association (NFDA) reports that cremation was used for more than 60% of deaths in 2023. Many families prefer the simplicity of a cremation; others like that it is more eco-friendly.
If you have found this article, however, you want to know the answer to this question: How much does cremation cost without services in Arizona? So, let’s start with that information.
How Much Does Cremation Cost Without Services in Arizona?
The cost of a cremation in Arizona without a service can range from $800 to $1,500 depending on where you live and which provider you choose. You have options.
The most affordable option is a direct cremation, which does not include a service or memorial. In direct cremation, the deceased is collected and sent to a crematorium. After the body is cremated, the remains are returned to the family. This minimal approach saves money while providing an alternative to a funeral and burial.
A direct cremation also offers families the opportunity to honor their loved ones as they see fit and have more control over when, where, and how to memorialize the deceased.
What Is Included in a Direct Cremation?
If you are working with a funeral home, direct cremation typically involves:
- A meeting to discuss your options
- Collection of the deceased from the place of death
- Storage for the mandatory waiting period
- A basic cremation container
- Cremation of the deceased
- A temporary container used to return the remains
- Help with completing any necessary documentation
You may also have to pay for a cremation permit and certified death certificates, and some fees may be required upfront before cremation occurs.
You will want to ask about any additional fees that are charged. For example, there may be extra costs for transportation outside of a specific mileage range, transporting, cremating extremely large individuals, or removal of a pacemaker or other medical devices if required.
If you are not working with a funeral home, there are also online options, so you can handle everything from the comfort of your home.
Government Assistance Programs
Government assistance programs are limited, although some options are available. For indigent families in Arizona, counties provide some relief. You can work with a local funeral home, who will facilitate the process. Family members need to provide financial records to demonstrate the need and any other forms of financial assistance.
The Social Security Administration also offers a one-time payment of $255 to help defray costs for those eligible. If your loved one served in the military, there may also be benefits available as well. You can find a list of other federal programs here.
There are also programs available through local agencies, charities, and churches, along with special benefits for victims of crime, burial assistance for children, and assistance for first responders killed in the line of duty.
No-Cost Cremation Options
Another option to help with the cost of a cremation in Arizona is to choose a whole-body donation. Donating a body to science makes an important contribution to the advancement of medical research and training. When you work with United Tissue Network (UTN), you can bypass the cost of a cremation in Arizona.
UTN pays 100% of the costs associated with transporting the deceased and placing them with a qualified research or medical facility. When research is complete, UTN will handle the cremation process and return the ashes to family members at no cost.
UTN has helped more than 12,000 families avoid the cost of cremation and honor the legacy of their loved ones in Arizona since 2009. At UTN, a non-profit agency in Phoenix, caring and knowledgeable staff are available 24/7 to guide you through the process. If you are working with a funeral home or hospice, you can ask them to contact UTN on your behalf.
If you would like to know more about whole body donations in Arizona, contact United Tissue Network today at 877-738-6111.