Whole-body donation programs in Arizona help advance medical science, research, education, and training. When you make a whole-body donation for yourself or a loved one, you are helping improve patient care quality and uncover breakthroughs in treatments and procedures.
If you are searching online for whole-body donation programs in Arizona, you may see a few options. It is a big decision, so how do you know which option is best?
Selecting a Whole-Body Donation Program in Arizona
Here are the key factors you should consider:
Look for an organization that is accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB). The AATB inspects programs to ensure they comply with standards for the responsible handling of bodies and that they work with legitimate research, education, and training programs.
You should also look for a non-profit organization. You may find for-profit agencies that accept whole-body donations, but they may sell body parts for profit. A non-profit organization, like United Tissue Network (UTN), does not profit from donations.
Ethics and Respect
Besides accreditation, you want to make sure your body or that of a loved one is treated with respect and will make a difference in the advancement of science. Discuss the ethical and research goals of the whole-body donation programs in Arizona to make sure they align with your intentions. If you have specific concerns, make sure you address them.
Another important area to consider is the criteria for making a whole-body donation. Factors such as age, weight, and medical history at the time of death can impact eligibility. Unlike other whole-body donation programs in Arizona, UTN accepts a broader range of donations, including those of upper age or afflicted with cancer or dementia. However, UTN cannot accept patients with a history of communicable diseases like HIV or hepatitis to keep researchers safe.
Not all organizations will accept whole-body donations in every state, so you will want to verify whether a donation is possible in your area.
Most programs will cover the cost of transporting the body from a funeral home or hospice center to a qualified research lab or medical training facility. Look for programs that will also pay for the cremation of the body after research has concluded and make the remains available to the family. Some programs, like UTN, will also provide you with two copies of the death certificate.
You want a clear understanding of which costs the organization will pay for and which ones you will be responsible for handling. For example, memorial services or celebration of life services will need to be paid for by loved ones.
Donation Procedures and Registration
You should inquire into donation procedures and what is involved in pledging your body or that of a loved one. There will be forms to fill out and discussions with you or a family member to determine eligibility. There will be consent forms to sign, which will need to be witnessed and notarized in compliance with the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act.
You should discuss what legal paperwork is required and make sure you understand what happens to the body after death.
During registration, you may want to inquire about organ donation. Organ donations are used for immediate help for patients who need transplants. Some body donation programs do not include organ donation, so make sure you know the process.
What Happens Upon a Loved One’s Passing
Make sure you are comfortable with what happens upon death and what you need to do when someone passes. A hospice center or funeral home can help you make arrangements in most cases.
Typically, bodies are transported to qualified medical or research facilities. When research is concluded, bodies are then cremated. Cremated remains will not be available until after the research, education, or training has been completed. Ask about the timetable involved to avoid surprises or concerns.
Select United Tissue Network
United Tissue Network is a 501(c)(3) American Association of Tissue Banks accredited. UTN accepts whole-body donations in Arizona and works with a network of qualified medical research, education, and training facilities that adhere to the highest ethical standards.
UTN pays for the transportation of bodies to medical facilities, the cremation of the body after the research program is completed, and the return of the remains to the family if requested.
You can learn more about whole body donation or talking to one of our Donation Specialists at today at 877-738-6111.